
In the year 1911, as the Kilcoy district was growing and various industries were developing, a group of residents formed an Agricultural, Pastoral and Industrial Society. An area of land on the eastern side of the township and the Kilcoy Creek was cleared, and the first annual show was held there in 1912.  The show was so successful that a larger area of ground was required. A reserve area between Sheep Station Creek and Menzies Lagoon west of the town was available. It was heavily timbered, but the Show Society was undaunted.  Volunteers cleared the timber, erected a pavilion for produce, a ring for horse events and for a grand parade.  They built stalls for dairy cattle, poultry cages, kennels for dogs, luncheon room and a liquor bar.

1918 saw the first show on the new site ...which is still the current site today. The show was always held on the first Friday and Saturday of July. As horses were the main mode of transport in those days, the events for Children's Ponies,  Ladies & Gentlemans Hacks, Sulky & Buggy  Races were strongly contested.  Hunting events were for over three feet 6 inches and four feet  6 inch hurdles and high jump. A past resident recalled that " a team of horses owned and trained by J.M.(Miley) Webster of Sheep Station Creek dominated the jumping events. Hurdles over seven feet were cleared by his horses. The Open High Jump was always the last event of the show and the highlight.Dairy cattle were represented mainly by Illawarra Milking Shorthorns and Jerseys, with the occasional Ayrshire.

"A grand parade of all animals was held at one o'clock on Saturday, and the show was declared open usually by the Governor of Queensland. The produce and handicraft pavilion were always overflowing with wagons loads of farm produce, jams, preserved fruits, sewing, fancy work etc.Fowls were White Leghorns, Black Orphington, Rhode Island Reds and Bantams.  Dogs were mainly cattle working dogs and terriers." The Grand Ball was held on the Friday night and was the social event of the year. Various records of committee members are held by the Kilcoy District Historical Committee.

It is noteworthy to point out that throughout the 115 years since the inauguration of the Kilcoy Show, various circumstances have necessitated the local show falling into recess.  These include local flooding from heavy rains, drought and some of the World War years, when times were uncertain and many of our men were away serving at war. Additionally, it was for the two years in 2004 and 2005 when rising cost and changes in Insurance coverage for Show Societies forced a reconsideration to run a show; a caretaker was nominated as Show Society Trustees until the show resumed in 2006.

Our shows have since continued to run on course and supported through the years, until having to cancel due to the Coronavirus pandemic. In February 2022 the Showgrounds were under water due to flooding, this water made its way into one of the pavilions.  The clean up required outside and within the pavilion meant it was not possible to be back on track in time to present our annual show in May.In May 2023 we celebrated our 100th show. A display was set up of old relics, collectables, trophies, ribbons etc to celebrate and reflect the changes from the very first show in 1912 its 100th show in 2023.The Kilcoy P.A. & I Society will continue to forge ahead to bring an annual show to their community for as long as they have the support of volunteers and sponsorship.

Written by Denise Modistasch & Kilcoy Historical Society 2024

Kilcoy Show is run by Kilcoy P.A & I Society and the people behind the scenes are all volunteers and due to their work and other commitments they may not be readily available to assist, we appreciate your patience and understanding with this.

The main office operates on a casual basis to Show demands.

Honorary Life Members

2024 Office Bearers

Other Office Bearers

Publicity/ Schedule Designers-Denise Modistach and Tayna Garland

Steward coordinator – Trevor Wessling

Trade Site Manager - Alastair MacDonald

Grant coordinator – Bronwyn Davies

Multicultural Co-ordination – Cheryl Gaedtke

Golden Girls – Pamelita Owens & Suzi Gower

Gray/Hollworth Pavilion Stewards – Denise Modistach & Kay Walker

Mary Pointon Pavilion Steward – Susan Pratten/ Rhonda Prior.

Official Photographer - Ian Langton.

Thank you for Shayne Neumann’s Office for Paper and Printing Provided Courtesy of Shayne Neumann MP -Federal Member for Blair.