Gate Entry



·Drug Related Goods (including Cocaine Kits,Bongs etc.)

·Explicit and Hardcore T-Shirts

·Fake Cigarettes

·Fireworks – Crackers

·Fuel type Fire Lighters (Zippo)

·Horns and Trumpets

·Knives (including Pen Knives)

·Laser Pointers

·Metal and wooden Martial Art e.g. Nunchakus

·Playing Cards (nude or lurid)

·Pressure Pack Snow

·Pressure Pack Fart Gas

·Silly String

·Stink Bombs

·Bouncing Beans

·Shang-hi/sling shots

·Bomb Bags

·Fire Wallets

·Water Bomb

·Explicit DVD's and Videos

·Iridescent Hair Spray

·Explicit and Hardcore T-Shirts

·Fireworks – Crackers

·Horns and Trumpets

·Laser Pointers

·Playing Cards (nude or lurid)

·Pressure Pack Fart Gas

·Stink Bombs

·Shang-hi/sling shots

·Fire Wallets

·Explicit DVD's and Videos


Toy Guns are acceptable; however, the following are not:

·Ball Bearing Guns

·Eight Shot Caps

·Pellet Guns

·Pop Downs (Throw Downs)

·Potato Guns

·Replica Guns (bullet type)

·Roll Caps

·Strip Caps

·Water Pistols over 150mm (6”)

·Gel Blaster Guns    

Samurai Swords, English Swords, and Fencing Swords are to be sold in Sealed Packages by Licensed Traders ONLY.

This list complies with Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies agreed list of banned items. (Banned Items List v2 Feb 2021)

Code of Conduct



Subject to the Rules, By-Laws and Regulations of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Society’s Inc. (QCAS) and the Society relevant to this schedule, the following General Regulations shall apply. Where there is a conflict between these regulations and the regulations and rules of the local Agricultural Society, the rules of the Affiliated Agricultural Society prevail. 

1.Upon payment of the annual subscription to the treasurer prior to the show, the privileges are Admission – For both days of the show. Go to to find out more.  

2.All entries must be made on official entry form obtained from schedule/online/ Secretary. 

3.All entries must be made and lodged with the steward of each section as stated.  

4.The Stewards shall receive for exhibition only and not for competition exhibits not specified in the schedule.

5.Exhibits may be consigned to the Secretary, but the Society accepts no responsibility. For further particulars apply to the Secretary.

6.All exhibits in the Pavilion Sections must be the work of the Exhibitor.  

7.Exhibits may be removed from the Pavilion after 4pm on the second day of the show.  

8.A protest against a Judge Award must be in writing addressed to the secretary, signed by the person lodging the protest, and be lodged at the secretary’s office within 24hrs of the award being made.

9.A sum of $55.00 shall be lodged with Secretary by any person entering a protest in connection with the show, and the onus of proving the protest shall rest with the person lodging same. If in the opinion of the committee the protest is considered frivolous, the deposit shall be forfeited to the Society.  

10.  Disputes arising from any entry questioned or on any matter not provided for in the rules of the Society will be referred to a Disputes Committee (comprising the Chief Steward and two committee persons) who will adjudicate thereon and whose decision shall be final.  

11.  Stewards are empowered to act as they think fit in all cases of cruelty to Exhibits.  

12.  No exhibitor will be allowed to display at the current Show, ribbons, place cards or award cards won at any other Show. 

13.  All prize money to be collected on days of Show or forfeited to the Society. Pay-out sheets are available from Chief Steward and take to the Payout office and to be collected by Exhibitor after 2pm Saturday

14.  Any person, whether an exhibitor or otherwise, who makes use of foul or abusive language on the ground or in the pavilion will incur the penalty of expulsion or be dealt with as the Stewards may determine.  

15.  This show is conducted subject to the rules of the Qld. Chamber of Agricultural Societies the constitution and rules of this Society and any regulation which appears within the Schedule for individual sections of this Show. Should there be any conflict between the rules of the Qld. Chamber of Agricultural Societies, the constitution of this Society and regulations appearing in any schedule, the constitution, rules and regulations appearing in the schedule of this Society shall prevail. 

16.  The President and/or the committee person or Steward in charge of any section of this Show shall have the right to refuse any entry by an Exhibitor without express reason at any time up to the commencement of judging of the section to which that entry applies. 

17.  The President, committee person in charge or Steward of any section shall have the right to alter or amend the program of any section or show program or the timing of any event.

18.  Exhibitors must obey all lawful orders of the President, the Committee person in charge or the Steward of the section in which the Exhibitor is entered. Failure to abide by any such order the Exhibitor/competitor may be removed from the grounds together with the exhibit.  

19.  The Judge’s decision in any section shall be final.  

20.  Ribbons will be awarded at the Judge’s discretion notwithstanding that there may be provision in the schedule for the awarding of ribbons.  

21.  All competitors must attend for judging at the appointed time and place. Judging shall not be delayed for an Exhibitor who is not ready and the committee person in charge or Steward of a section shall have the right to exclude and disqualify the Exhibitor competing in that section who does not present on time.  

22.  If, in the opinion of the committee person in charge or Steward of a section, any animal is entered in the wrong class, the committee person in charge or Steward of the section shall have the power to enter the animal in its correct class prior to the commencement of judging of that class. 

23.  Where there is an age limit on an Exhibitor, the following shall be accepted as proof of age: -

(a) Birth Certificate (b) Driver’s Licence (c) Current Passport (d) 18+ card (e) Student ID

24.  Exhibitors shall at all times, behave in a proper and courteous manner to Judges, Show Officials and other Exhibitors. Should an Exhibitor behave in an offensive or improper manner, the committee person in charge or Steward shall have a right to exclude and disqualify that Exhibitor from competing in the section.  

25.  Judging cards and performance records shall be completed by the committee person in charge, Steward and/or the Judge (if required) of a section during or immediately after the judging of the section or at the Judge’s convenience.

26.  No dogs allowed on the grounds with the exception of medical and assistance dogs and those competing in Dog Section/Dog Jumping.

27.  Smoking in designated areas only.

28.  Where an animal is led, ridden, worked and displayed, it is the responsibility of the owner/rider, and the owner/rider is responsible for any public liability.

29.  Whilst all reasonable care is taken, the affiliated Society cannot accept any responsibility for any losses and or damage or injury to or by any livestock, exhibits, equipment, vehicles or any other property whilst it is on the affiliated Show Society’s Showgrounds.

30.  GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST)  32.1 The Australian Taxation Office has deemed that GST is payable on prizes if an Exhibitor is registered for GST and enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise.  32.2 The information an Exhibitor provides on the Application for Entry determines whether GST is applicable.  32.3 GST will not apply: a. If an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as a hobby or private recreational pursuit; or b. If an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise, the Exhibitor has an ABN, but the Exhibitor is NOT REGISTERED for GST.  32.4 GST will apply if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise, the Exhibitor has an ABN, and the Exhibitor is REGISTERED for GST. 

31.  Kilcoy Show Society, its officers and employees, and each and all persons involved are released from liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound recordings.